Holiday Home Decor: Tastefully Staging During the Holidays
Keep your Outdoor Decorations Simple and Welcoming
Decorate your staged home with minimal decor.
In cooler (colder) climates people tend to take their homes off the market during the holidays, but it’s important to protect its value with the services available at Not so in Key West. Key West goes all out for Christmas and is the perfect climate for an influx of potential motivated buyers. How you decorate your home can make all the difference during this competitive season. It is essential to strike the delicate balance between making your home festive and keeping it show ready. Take a look at these holiday home decor tips to keep your space in the festive spirit while on the market.
Create Buyer Appeal With Tasteful Outdoor Decorations
Curb appeal is an important element at any time of the year. During the holiday season, it often takes on a new meaning as everyone decorates their houses and landscapes to reflect the joy and celebration of the season. In order to create the right appeal, the entrance of the home should be kept very simple. Stick to white lights and use natural elements like seasonal flowers, and greenery to decorate. Poinsettias are quickly bought up at Marc House and Home Depot so plan ahead and buy early. A simple festive wreath on the door, dressed up with a seasonal ribbon is another great way to decorate when your house is on the market. Keep decorations minimal and save the inflatable snowman for another year. This is not the time to compete in the holiday light tour! Remember you don’t know what preferences, religion or even age group will visit your home during the holidays to view your home for sale. Staying somewhat neutral will appeal to more potential buyers.
Ensure Holiday Decorations Enhance your Home’s Style

Minimal decorations can still bring a festive mood. paulmaguire via Deposit Photos
Although the photo above is reflective of a northern home the simplicity of the décor is what caught my attention. Just a few select holiday items are well placed and the color scheme coordinates with interior décor. If your interior theme color is a Key West blue then using those same colors in your Christmas décor will appear festive, seamless and comforting to the eye. If you have limited space consider a table top tree or something as simple as a few branches decorated with ornaments. I have a friend who strings garland around her archways and hangs her favorite ornaments in the garland along with small white lights. It is simply beautiful. Stay away from blinking lights on your tree and make sure cords are neatly hidden. A basket of orchids or a beautiful Bird of Paradise will make a subtle statement on your dining room table. Keep proper proportions among the furniture and accessories. If the Christmas tree overpowers the room and forces the furniture to be squeezed together, the look is unappealing and makes the room look small. Remove extra furniture if necessary. Place a size appropriate menorah on the dining table or a dedicated side table. Just not sure a tree is going to enhance your room but you really want one; decorate a tabletop tree in your entry or dining table. Use your Nutcracker collection to create a centerpiece for your dining table or kitchen counter. Stick to the KISS principle while decking your home.
Remove personal memorabilia
People come from all over the world to purchase homes in Key West and not everyone shares the same memories and religious celebrations. You want them to feel at home, like it is already their home, when they arrive with their Realtor. Remove your family photos of Christmas past and deeply personal items as you would any time of year that you are selling your home.
Keep closets and drawers uncluttered
Buyers ALWAYS open up and look in closets. Storage is frequently on the checklist. Buyers want to know how big and deep closets are. This the perfect time to get rid of all the “stuff” you and your kids no longer use or need to make room for the new. Instead of hiding kids’ presents in the closets, ask a neighbor if you can store a few in their home before Christmas morning. If storing elsewhere isn’t possible, use storage bins with a code that will fool nosy munchkins but keep your closet tidy; the fewer items in your closets, the better.
Take advantage of the senses with a little hospitality
Shopping for a home can be tiring. The Realtor and the potential buyer could arrive to look at your property tired, hungry and thirsty. And there is nothing more inviting than the scent and sight of a plate of fresh baked cookies. When you know a real estate agent is bringing clients by to look at the house, leave a plate of holiday treats on the counter along with a few bottles of water. These offerings will encourage the potential buyer to linger just a little longer…so make sure your kitchen sparkles!
Avoid lighting heavily scented candles throughout the house. Many people have allergies to these scents and you do not want to send them off sneezing.
Consult a Home Staging professional
A professional home stager will give you invaluable tips on how to best showcase your house for a quick sale. Homes staged before hitting the market sell, on average, 73 percent faster than their unstaged counterparts, according to the Real Estate Staging Association.
If you’re concerned about whether to spend a few hundred or several thousand dollars on staging, measure the cost against the additional mortgage payments and possible price reductions that may result if your home lingers on the market. If staging costs $5,000 and you are considering dropping your selling price $10,000, that’s $5,000 you leave on the table. No brainer, right. We have seen sellers drop as much $100,000 rather than stage a property that could sell for full value if spruced up and maintained.
Be aware, too, that following an initial consultation, a professional stager can scale services to fit your needs and budget. Often, a stager will provide a list of suggested actions and improvements and it’s your choice how many to act upon.
Contact me if you need more information or confused about your next step. I am happy to answer any questions you may have.
Happy Holidays!
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